in collaboration with
The Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines
presents a public lecture by
on Wednesday, 23 July 2008, at 8:00 PM
in the LST Cardinal Sin Center
*Tickets at 100 PhP each | *Free Admission for LST Students
Jean Louis Ska, professor of Old Testament Exegesis (Pentateuch) at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, studied philosophy in Namur (Belgium), theology in Frankfurt am Main, and Scripture in Rome, where he received licentiate and doctorate degrees (1980 and 1984) at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. His dissertation, Le passage de la mer: Étude de la construction, du style et de la symbolique d’Ex 14:1-31, Analecta Biblica 109; was published in 1986. His other major works are: “Our Fathers Have Told Us”: Introduction into the Analysis of Hebrew Narratives, Subbib 13; Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute Press, 1990, 22000; Abraham Et Ses Hotes : Le Patriarche Et Les Croyants Au Dieu Unique; Editions Lessius, 2001; Les énigmes du passé. Histoire d’Israël et récit biblique, traduction de E. Di Pede, Le livre et le rouleau 14; Bruxelles: Lessius – Paris: Le Cerf, 2002, 22002, 32003.
Ska’s latest work, Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006), has received glowing reviews. Ernest Nicholson has this to say: “I know of no recent introduction to the Pentateuch that is as comprehensive as this, as attractive or amenable in its approach, or as well informed about the current debates….” According to David M. Carr : “This book is now the best starting point for an introduction to past and present study of the formation of the Pentateuch.” And Bernard M. Levinson says: “It offers a first-rate introduction to the most recent European theories on the composition of the Pentateuch, and Ska is judicious in his assessments of these theories. This Introduction successfully integrates legal and narrative approaches, while taking into account matters of language, social history, and empirical evidence. The book is distinctive for its careful attention to the role of editing and redaction in the formation of ancient literature.”
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